jeudi 25 décembre 2008

Little joke

Hi everybody !!
First I wanna wish you a merry christmas !! (have you seen the photo! :-) are you jalous?? mdr)

Today one of my friend tell me a story ( a real story) and it was so funny (I think) that I wanna tell you.
First I have to introduce the place, it'll be more easy to you to understand. In Disney world there is 4 mains theme parks, one of them is named "EPCOT",inside you can find the "world showcase" it's a representation of different country in the world, among this different country there is (of course!) France.
Now the story :
In the french pavilion there is a copy of the Eiffel Tower (as you can see on the picture), and one day a guest asked to the french castmember "is it possible to rise on the Eiffel tower ?"
it's just a decoration so the castmember reply "I'm sorry it's impossible"
and after that the woman was very upset and her usband tell to her "It's ok we have already been on the original one..... at Las Vegas"

The guy was very serious And I'm almost sure that is a true story !!
It's so funny !! ( not really funny for me coz I have this kind of guest sometime !!lol)

So, see you guys !! take care!!

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Effectivement, c'en est une bien bonne.

On ne leur en tiendra pas rigueur, les US font environ 15 fois la superficie de la France.

Au sein même de l'Europe, ça n'est pas sûr que tout le monde connaisse les monuments qui font l'orgueil national des pays membres.

Anonyme a dit…

ahh les nazes...

Anonyme a dit…

funny, funny!!! je voudrais bien le gouter, moi, le camembert de Las Vegas... comme disais le plus classe des américains "monde de merde!" (G.Abitbol©®™)

denis a dit…

quelle bande de cons.